July weather in Alanya - Turkey
Current weather in Alanya
Sunshine Hours 337
Min Temperature 23 °C
Max Temperature 32 °C
Water Temperature 28 °C
Sunrise: 05:37
Sunset: 20:14
Total daylight: 14:37
Rain: 4mm
Rain free days:30
July is the warmest month with longest daylight. During July temperature go up to 32°C during day and it is warm during the night, the temperature does not drop below 23°C. The sea is 28°C – so nice & warm. Number of sunshine hours are 337 and rainy days 0. Best to stay in shadow during the day.
What to wear, you will be needing light and airy summer clothes, no need for long sleeves or long trouser. Comfortable to wear garments is the best in the hot weather and most people prefer natural material such as linen and cotton. It is good to wear a sunhat since the sun can feel burning on the head during day and avoid sunstroke. Do not forget to bring bathing suit or two.